The 3rd Training on Intensive Course of Obstetric Emergency (iCOE) on April 08-09, 2017
The 3rd Training on Intensive Course of Obstetric Emergency (iCOE) on April 08-09, 2017
April 10, 2017
The first screening on cervical cancer at Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ)
The first screening on cervical cancer at Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ)
June 20, 2017
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The seminar on Obstetric Emergency on June 16, 2017

The seminar on Obstetric Emergency on June 16, 2017

The seminar on Obstetric Emergency was held, in June 16, 2017 at Phnom Penh Hotel, under honorably presided over by Lok Chomteav Prof. Kruy Leang Sim, Under Secretary of State of Ministry of Health and SCGO Honorary chairman and JSOG honorary Vice Chairperson. The main purpose of seminar was to promote Gynecology and Obstetrics community through enhancing the knowledge of 188 participants, who are the members of SCGO, about obstetric emergency. The seminar supported by JICA and it was organized by SCGO committee under the leadership of Prof. Koum Kanal, the president of SCGO and Prof. Kruy Leang Sim chairperson of seminar.

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